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A beautiful poem about Imran Khan – a true leader of Pakistan

Dear Pakistan,

With special permission, I am allowed to print a wonderful poem that has recently been written by a known poet. We really liked it and wanted to publish it.


Poem –  Imran Khan – Candle in the Dark


Dear Imran Khan,

This poem is dedicated to you. Irrespective of the outcome of the elections, you have won the hearts of the millions of Pakistani’s. You have given meaning to life in a world that has become moribund, stable, helpless and valueless. You have inspired the dreams and hopes of the future generations of Pakistan. You have given light in a dark alley. You have lit Pakistan. Your existence is a leadership training activity for the youth and people of Pakistan.


In the annals of history

As the pen of time writes on the paper of hope

It will write about happiness embarked on petal lips, hope and prosperity

Happiness of our generations as they play freely in lavish green fields

Tranquility cannot be divided into sectarianism, violence and casts

Serenity within us will speak in undulated tones

Happiness is you and me

Smile is the language of a free Pakistan


Life will write about Hope as our future unfolds to new frontiers

And prosperity of our breaths as they cascade into tomorrows

Our lives will have meaning.

Our dreams, hopes, and ambitions

Will turn into flowers, daffodils, and stars

That is what we believe

That is what Imran Khan stands for


Our roads will take us to our schools, colleges and universities

No child will be left wondering how to write and read

Each beating heart will resonate with your passion

We have signed our future, life and dreams to you


Change is inevitable

Change is the season of our skin

The bark on our wooden hearts

And the drifting noise of the waters of our souls



Has a candle burning in the dark

A candle that has ignited us all

A flame that will last forever



Poet A Saeed Sh




A beautiful poem about Imran Khan – a true leader of Pakistan

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